On Page SEO | MK DigitalMare

On-Page SEO-Ultimate Guide For Beginners | Techniques of On-page SEO [2020]

On-Page SEO is a Process of Optimize the web page for getting traffic and ranking of the website.on-page seo have some techniques like Title , Header , URL , Content , Image , Video , Meta Keywords , Meta Tags , Meta Description.

Above Techniques Useful to Optimize the Web Page to get top rank and High Traffic for the Website and It will be visible on the SERP Page of Google

Title Tag Optimization

Each and every page of the website needs to maintain proper title.it will be apparent ON SERP Pages of Search Engine.

For Creating Title Should Follow below Conditions

  1. Should maintain Target Keyword in a Title
  2. Should Maintain 50-60 Characters Limit in the Title
  3. Try to place 2 or 3 Keywords in a single Title
  4. Should Maintain Content Relevant
Title Tag Optimization
Title Tag Optimization

Title Creating Format

Keyword – Brand Name

Keyword 1 – Keyword  2

Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 | Brand Name

Don’t Use any Special Characters in the Title.

Should Separate keywords by using  “ – “ and “ | “

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URL | Slug | Permalink Optimization

URL is easy understandable Language and crawler’s to identify page content

for creating URL should follow below Condition

Should Maintain Standards URL Structure

Don’t use any Special characters in URL

Should separate character “ – “ and     “ | “

URL Optimization
URL Optimization

Standard URL Structure



  1. HTTP represents Protocol
  2. www represents subdomain
  3. abc represents Domain Name
  4. Category Represent Slug
  5. Page Name Represent Permalink 

Content Optimization

Content is the Key of any online Business .It is Represent of our service ,Products to the Online Users for Creating Content.

For Creating Content should follow Some Condition

Should create  Genuine Content

Create Good readability Count

Should Maintain 1500-1800 Words per page

Should Maintain paragraph with 2-3 lines

Should maintain keyword density as 2-3%

Content Optimization
Content Optimization

Keyword Density

Number of times main keyword repeating in the total page content

              Keyword Density  = Number of time keyword repeating / Total Number of words in content *100

If You want to place multiple keywords in the same content should use keyword proximity

Keyword Proximity

Distance Between two individual Keywords and It should be minimum 10 to 15 words. That means place Secondary or Helps Keyword. If its necessary otherwise ignore.

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Header Tag Optimization

Headers Tags are useful as Subheadings in the Content

It should be have Some Conditions to follow

We have H1 to H6  i.e., H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 and H6 Header Tags to place 6 Header’s Tags in a page.

Should Use only  one Header Tag Per Page.

Should Maintain Target Keyword or Primary Keyword in Header Tag

There is no Limitations of H2 to H6

Try to Place Secondary Keyword or Helping Keyword in H2 to H6

Should maintain 15 to 40 Character limits in Header Tag

Here, Easy to Use for wordpress Website but when comes to HTML Websites have to place the code

Code Representation For HTML Websites







Related feature : Most Popular SEO plugins for Word press.

Image Tag Optimization

Image’s are useful for Creating Branding For any Business or Product for Placing Image to follow some Conditions

Should Use HD Image

Place Content Relevant Image

Try to Place 2 to 3 Images Per Page

Should  Save  Images with Keywords  when  Downloading  From  Search  Engines.

 Should Place Target Keyword in “Img Alt txt”

Image Alt Text
Image Alt Text

The Purpose of Image Alternate Text (“Img Alt txt”) is crawlers easy identify about image and ranking for that image in Search Results.

If any User using Low Internet speed ,Its appearance the text instead of Image

Try to use to describe the Image and Keyword

Try to Place Secondary Keyword in Image Attribute

For Compressing the Image Use GZIP , ShortPixel , Smush  Plugins for wordpress website’s

Related feature : Anchor Text Optimization For On-Page SEO 2020

Video Tag Optimization

Video‘s are develop the Brand Awareness  any business for placing video’s should have to follow some conditions

Have to Place HD Video

Try to Place Business Related  Video’s

Should be Maintain minimum 5 to 10 minutes Video

Don’t Upload Directly into The Website

Upload Video’s from The YouTube  Channel and Video Submission Site

Try to Place target Keyword Before Iframe URL.

I-Frame Code | Video Tag Optimization
I-Frame Code | Video Tag Optimization

Related feature : Off Page SEO | Complete SEO Guide For Beginners 2020


  1. Title Tag Optimization
  2. Header Tag Optimiation
  3. URL Optimization
  4. Content Optimization
  5. Image Tag Optimization
  6. Video Tag Optimization

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