Here,My Question is Backlinks increase traffic for website and improve the rank in the SERP.
I’m mention my suggestions below and Backlinks plays major role for improve the rank and traffic for website.Basically we have the two types of website .Static and Dynamic ,for any platform like wordpress or HTML ,Backlinks increase the traffic for website .
Hey, Here I’m sharing the my knowledge about backlinks are affect to website traffic…!
Basically, Backlink is getting link from a other website to our website that means “our website link would be link on other website’s page”. In that process will get traffic of our website.
Backlinks are not only used for getting traffic our website .Its shows the impact on the Search Rank of the Website.Backlinks are used to increase the visibility of the website on a SERP’s Page.
There are so many ways to get the external links like Off Page Techniques or a Submissions.
There are Different types of Submissions are available in a Digital world .That will used to increase the traffic and rank of your website.
Directory Submission
Directory Submission is the type of submission that can be collect the Directory Submission Website list. After the Collection, You have to fill the form of Directory Form with your email id and Social Networks Login’s.
This is the mandatory submission that can be doing our Competitors of the Business Websites.

In this Scenario we have 3 types of submissions are there – Free Link , Site Link with Reciprocal and Paid Link.
Depending on the Submission, Time will take to Active in other website .
Article Submission
This is the type of submission that will get you Quality Backlink of website.
Collecting Article Submission Site list ,Login with your Gmail Or Social Media Login’s

After the Collecting the site list, You should be write the article with your target keyword .That will be useful to sharing the information and By the providing Target keyword you will get traffic and rank of page in SERP. In this you will get Quality Backlink But it will take Some Time to
Approval of your Article.
Local Classifieds
Local Classifieds is nothing but Providing or Creating Ads about services with your Target keyword. Never forget to provide the Primary Keyword.
In this scenario you will collect the Local Classified site list and login with Email or Social Media’s like Facebook and gmail account.
Here, You need to Create the Ads about our services or Business with your Target Keyword as well as provide some personal information like Name,Email,Address.
Social Book Marking Submission
Social Book Marketing Submission is the best way to get the Quality Backlink of your Website.
Basically, Social Book Marking is the process of Book mark of Your Desired content of business webpage.
It will used to get traffic of website as well as improve the Rank of the webpage of site.
Block commenting Submission
This is Simple Case Scenario to get and best quality of the site .
Simple process of the that should be Collect the Related Content of the target keyword in order should be Comment on that page by relevant information with your website page link or URL .
Then Said “More Information available here, Compare to yours page.”
Forum Submission
Forum Submission is the Best Technique that would be Some Discussions Platforms are Available on Google that will be used to sharing the information on Related topic.
Here, You need to Select the Target keyword .Based on the Keyword .You have to share some information about particular topic.
Guest Blogging Submission
It is one of the best technique to get quality backlink from competitor of websites or Blog’s.
Proces :
Collect Guest Blogging Site List and sing up , after that there we will have option like write with us and write article.
Create article by following there website rules and submit the article with their mail id.
After some time ,If article is geniue then they will provide the backlink to your website.
Private Blog Network
Here, PBN is two types
Method-1 : (Paid Version)
In this process , you will get continuous backlinks from the number of website which are maintain by one authorized person.
This is Completely Black Hat Technique
Method-2 : (Broken Link Method)
Here, we can collect 404 errors, page not found error ,broken link errors from the competitor website by using 3rd party tools after collecting , we should submit file to competitor mail id.
If your report is genuine they will modify the errors and produce a backlink to your website.
This is the best method to get backlink.
Press Release Submission
It is a process of creating a article about our business or services to the media or social media channels.
For the Startup Business or Website’s or Blogs – My Suggestion was don’t go through this submission.
Profile Creation
It is one of technique to get do follow backlink to our business website by placing URL in profile creation section.
Example : ,,,
Web 2.0 Submission
It’s a process the create dummy websites from there related to main website and generate a backlink
Here, collect the web2.0 submission sites and login & active it
Placed website name as business keyword. Select relevant category
Create website with images and save website URL.
Image and Video Submission
These submission will useful to create branding for our Business or services or products
Pining Submission
It is the process of active our website URL in other search engine or is not a backlink Providing Method.
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Ofcourse ……….. If you getting more backlinks for your website then you will get traffic .if traffic gets that impacts on Ranking of website.
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