How to increase the website speed

6 Easy Ways To Speed Up WordPress Performance | List Out Audit Tools | Factors Affected for Web Page – 2020 [Journal]

Website Speed – In 2017, SEMrush released an Article of study of the 17 most prominent SEO ranking Factors. As a result after year, Google announced the Page Speed as a rank factor, That Means Based on the Speed of Web Page will be affecting Rank of the Website as well as applicable to mobile versions also. That time Google Found the 82.89% of website had issues that badly affected Page Speed but they have the High Rank.

Latest Factors Of Website Speed Tests By Google – Google’s Industry benchmarks suggest that web pages load in under 3 seconds, have fewer than 50 requests as well as page size will be under 500 KB.

In 2020, we have number of Audit Tools to check the Page Speed, Errors, SEO, Backlinks, Sitemaps, analyzer and many other things of the website.

Factors Affected the Ranking of a Website

There lots of factors affected towards the loading of the web page. That will be impacted on the users or visitors of the website. As a result Users will not engage properly on your website. So we have known what factors will affect on loading of website. As my Experience I list out the factors affected the loading speed.

#1.Selection of Cheap Hosting Services

Hosting Services is the major impact on the loading of website. Depending on the level of Business has to choose the Hosting Service. If you chose cheap hosting toward your website for saving cost, which will be direct effect on slow down your website’s loading speed.
As a result, Depending on the Level of the Business need to choose the compatible Hosting Services.

#2.Insufficient Compensation to Hosting Company

If you’ve chosen the simplest player within the market to supply hosting services to your website, but you’ve got defaulted or legitimately refused to pay the compensation deserved by the corporate, the corporate will rightfully lower the standard of hosting services to your website.

#3.Media Embedded from an external Source

Media Embedded source means if your website related to video or audio service that will be embedded from the some external source. it’s too much to load the page. So, Instead of that need to choose right service depending on the level of business.
Some Blog’s try to explain the article with Video. Few people are directly upload the video on site as result that will impact on loading page.
For that reason, need to upload the Video Iframe from YouTube.

#4.Large Images

Large Images Direct impact on the Loading pages of the website. Here the fact is most of the information visible to the user by images. It is necessary to upload the images on blog or business for article. We need to observe that not all the images are same they are different sizes as well as formats like JPEG’s, PNG, TIFF, BMP file Format, Raw Image Format, PDF, TGA and many more.
Lots of website or blogs are using the PNG format Images. It will easy compatible to the website.

#5.Excessive Advertisements

If your website has been bombarded with plenty of various Ads, it’ll lag your website for the users.
Minimize the quantum of Ads displayed on your website to avoid this problem.

#6.Hyphenated Code

If your website’s HTML or CSS code is hyphenated or too dense, it has a direct impact on the efficiency of your website. If your website is inefficient, it means it will take too much time to load.
As a solution, use a simple HTML/CSS Code for your website to ensure optimum efficiency.

List of SEO Audit Tools (Free & Paid Versions)

  1. Google Page Speed Insight
  2. GTMetrix
  3. SEMrush
  4. WebPageTest
  5. SEO Site Checkup
  7. SEO Quick
  8. Similar Web
  9. SEO bility
  10. Moz Pro Tools
  11. Web CEO
  12. SEOPTimer
  13. DEEP Crawl
  14. Alexa Site Audit
  15. Majestic
  16. Site Analyzer
  17. Google Light House
  18. Small SEO Tools
  19. Backlink Watch
  20. Rank Watch
  21. Neil Patel SEO
  22. SEO Profile

Above Audit Tools help you keep healthy website. Now a Days Page Speed become major thing for the ranking for your website.


Thus now familiar with the concept of website loading speed. Here, we discuss about the Website Page Speed Loading History, Audit Tools Helps the increase website Speed, List of Audit Tools, Latest Factors for Website Speed (Conditions), Factors Affected the ranking of a website, Tools to use improve the Site’s Loading Speed. Observe the Google Intent towards the speed of the Website as well as Google’s Guidelines. Ultimately it is improve your website’s loading speed to optimize it for the users/visitors.

1 thought on “6 Easy Ways To Speed Up WordPress Performance | List Out Audit Tools | Factors Affected for Web Page – 2020 [Journal]”

  1. Yes I concede with this statement “Ultimately it is improve your website’s loading speed to optimize it for the users/visitors.”. It is really important for the page speed to be high so that visitors can visit the website more often. Tools that you have shared are really useful.

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